Villa Albrizzi Marini è uno spazio meravigliosamente decadente, che ospita diverse creatività ai piedi del Monte Grappa, a san Zenone degli Ezzelini, Treviso. È qui che abbiamo registrato Loco Sunset Boulevard/Ghetto Blast Noize Machine, il secondo disco dei Onceweresixty, band di cui ho l’onore di fare parte da un po’ di tempo. Villa Albrizzi Marini è la nostra casa musicale, dove componiamo, proviamo, ci lasciamo ispirare moltissimo dalla sua decadenza e ogni tanto suoniamo live. Villa Albrizzi Marini non ha il riscaldamento e, con un saggio approccio DIY, abbiamo registrato tutto il disco in gennaio, con conseguente febbre.
Nei Onceweresixty suono con Marco Lorenzoni e Luca Sella, precedentemente colonne portanti dei Mr60. Qualche anno fa si sono rimessi a fare musica insieme e hanno registrato un disco, The Flood, ancora più DIY se mai fosse possibile.
Dopo quel disco mi sono unito a loro, ma i pezzi dei Onceweresixty sono squisitamente di Marco e Luca, con non poca invidia. Una sorta di Lou Reed e John Cale di provincia, e io faccio un po’ lo Sterling Morrison della situazione (se, magari). La facilità con cui continuano a fare musica nuova è disarmante, non posso che imparare. Umiltà a parte, capite quanto conflitto di interessi ci sia in queste mio testo, ma tant’è, sono convinto che Loco Sunset Boulevard/Ghetto Blast Noize Machine sia un gran bel disco. Non posso naturalmente essere oggettivo, ma mi trovo spesso ad ascoltare il disco, dimenticandomi in qualche modo di farne parte. Una registrazione è sempre un’istantanea del momento, alcuni pezzi sono già cambiati moltissimo, non li suoniamo quasi più come nel disco. Mi piace sentire le differenze, ricordare come alcune canzoni siano nati di getto, molto facilmente (Don’t Get Stuck), mentre altre continuano a cambiare, o a evolvere (All That Glitter).
Quando ci chiedono cosa suoniamo, siamo sempre in grande crisi e spesso diamo qualche assurda definizione come “lo-fi alternative post-psych-folk-rock”, oppure “psych-weird-pop”, o più semplicemente “indie rock”. Qualcosa del genere. A detta di alcuni, non siamo così bravi a dare titoli ai dischi, e sicuramente Loco Sunset Boulevard/Ghetto Blast Noize Machine non è un nome che aiuta a essere ricordato, ma vi basti sapere che Ghetto è il cane di Luca, che è sempre stato con noi durante le composizioni, le prove e le registrazioni e Loco era il cane di Marco, morto poco prima di pubblicare il disco.
Loco Sunset Boulevard/Ghetto Blast Noize Machine ufficialmente è un doppio EP, giusto perché ci piace complicare un po’ il tutto, con due anime in qualche modo diverse. Intro e coda dei pezzi hanno sempre una bella dose di noise, volevamo assolutamente collegare i pezzi tra di loro. Anzi, a dire il vero a un certo punto c’era l’idea di tenere solo due tracce uniche, un lato A e un lato B, non lasciando la possibilità di scegliere quale pezzo ascoltare, evitando il più possibile di assecondare le logiche di ascolto attuali, ma i poteri forti ci hanno costretto a separare le tracce. E forse i poteri forti hanno ragione. Maledetti.
Vi lascio qui i testi del disco, sono piuttosto sicuro che, nel momento in cui scrivo, non ci siano da altre parti.
I was sitting here for ages
Smoking cigarettes in cages
I was the last one to get out of school
I always lose time trying to take my shoes back
From where the hell the boys throw it at!
Don’t get stuck with it
Don’t get stuck with it
Don’t give up.
I can stay right here in the cold
Waiting for your eyes to come back from sleep
It’s like the first time you drop in a pool
Don’t take it back just push on the front and you’re done
As it was, good or wrong..
Don’t get stuck with it
Don’t get stuck with it
Don’t give up
If you feel that this could lead you where
You can feel yourself and everywhere
If you feel that this could take where you want
Keep it all along.
I take a walk out to the shore
The sun is rising and you are a whore
I broke my guitar along the show and I saw you leave the hall with the drummer of that goth band
So I keep running
I find my friends on a dirty couch
We smoked some weed out at the shore
The breeze was cold and i I felt alone and your eyes were shining rays through my soul
And I keep running
Debbie didn’t like the school, she’s bored to death
She’s often hanging with her friends around the pool
She used to play bass guitar in a rock band,
She’s always wearing that white t-shirt of Sonic Youth
And she said
Weird times we’re in
Weird times we’re in
Weird times
Outside is full of motherfuckers
Jimmy got his own respect, at the basketball court
He could shot sixty point out the hell of most older bros
He worked at the record store, and sometimes wants more
He keep playing loud that song by The Stooges
And he said
Weird times we’re in
Weird times we’re in
Weird times
Outside is full of motherfuckers
Back in the days I sailed on the ship of love,
Trusting the things I read in books
Back in the days I had my heart sucked off,
Things you didn’t learn to school
Back in the days I had some friends I trust
Sharing my weird things all the times
I saw them laughing as I was falling down
Leave me alone down to the ground
Oh! Yeah ! Oh! Yeah! I have been shot
Back in the days I sailed on the ship of love,
Trusting the things I read in books
Back in the days I had my heart sucked off,
And there’s nothing I can do.
She was a queen, she’s up to the high society,
She acted in a film, along in the ninety-nineteen,
The times passes by, celebrity is fading quickly
Now she’s on her own, and she don’t know how to fix it
She had a breakdown, she takes pills to make her feel she’s coming home
She took some pills and she forgot about the things going on.
New morning has come, she don’t want to wake up wake up,
She hide from the sun, she puts on too heavy make up,
She married a man, a boss from the real estate
He’s out all the time, but she doesn’t seems to care much
She had a breakdown, she takes pills to make her feel she’s coming home
She took some pills and she forgot about the things going on.
I was a kid aged middle school,
She was the cutest punk in subourb
We took the bus to the city doors
She said I know what you’re looking for
Into town, I lost my innocence, into town,
tonight I lost my innocence, on the ground
I was quite nervous and start to swear
She said it’s time to get off our shirts
Into town, I lost my innocence, into town,
tonight I lost my innocence, on the ground
I wish I am miles away from here, but I’m around…
Take your time, take you’re time
Rest a little in the sunshine till it lasts
We’re thirty years late to take an act
And thing will never be the same again
Take my hand, I’ll teach you the things I can,
I am just an average man, but I could help you stand against capitalism
And then, let’s do the things we can, united we will stand
Against the evil
Consequence of capitalism
Take a breath, here it is,
Capt is breaking all the things that keep us alive (and that’s not fine, you know)
And all the things we buy and own,
Are useless if you think we’re all alone
That’s why I often keep on moaning
and then grab that moans stuck and let them rest
we’re gonna walk out of the path,
but here’s where we all should stand
Take my hand, I’ll teach you the things I can,
I am just an average man, but I could help you stand against capitalism
And then, let’s do the things we can, united we will stand
Against the evil
Consequence of capitalism
Remember this, nobody lives forever
All the things get lost, along your path
All the things, all that glitter on the floor.
And here we are, staring at the ceiling
Naked bodies and deep taste of smoke
Everybody lies, everybody is climbing and than fall apart.
I Onceweresixty sono: Marco Lorenzoni (voce, chitarra, basso, batteria, synth), Luca Sella (batteria, voce, chitarra, noise), Enrico Grando (synth, sax, basso, chitarra, voce).
Label: Uglydog Records / Beautiful Losers
Mix: Mauro Martinuz
Mastering: Federico Pelle
Photos: Hilariewho
Art cover: Eerno
Enrico Grando